The Oxfordshire Care Awards 2023 – Inspiration for All!
Recognising and celebrating individuals, organisations, and companies who have demonstrated outstanding excellence within the care sector in Oxfordshire.
The Oxfordshire Care Awards are back again this year and nominations are now open. The awards are brought to you by a partnership between Action for Carers Oxfordshire, Age UK Oxfordshire, and The Oxfordshire Association of Care Providers (OACP). The awards are inclusive to all, bringing together statutory and independent care providers, the community/voluntary sector and unpaid carers.
The Awards take place on Monday afternoon, 24th April 2023 at the Voco Hotel, Sandford-on-Thames, Oxford OX4 4GX
Event attendance will be limited to Award Nominators, Main Award Winners and Highly Commended Winners and invited guests.
Newcomer to Care Award
Acknowledge and celebrate a new member of staff who commenced and remained in employment in the care sector within the previous 12 months, who has shown empathy and responsiveness and fully understands good practice.
Care Home Worker Award
A fantastic Care Home Worker who consistently provides high-quality care for people living in residential care.
Unpaid Carer Award
Someone who gives their time, energy, and skills, to ensure that people have a better experience of care and support, and feel that they matter.
The Volunteer Award
A commitment to voluntary work has contributed to and enhanced the wellbeing of the local community or has made a difference to an individual/s quality of life.
Community / Home Care Worker Award
A Community/Home Care Worker in consistently providing high-quality care, for people living in their own homes.
Care Team Award
This Award will be presented to the team who are able to best demonstrate a shared vision and agreed goals. Able to demonstrate a commitment to dignity and privacy for clients plus respect for team members.
Care Employer Award
An Award for the whole company or organisation and seeks to acknowledge and celebrate an employers’ commitment to care and how this is achieving success in delivering an excellent service.
Long-Term Service Award
Recognising the long-term service of an employee who has made an outstanding contribution to a Care organisation (min. service period 10 years), who through their working life have passionately made a significant difference to the organisation.
Leadership Award
Someone who leads a care team or service, who has shown a strong personal commitment to the dignity and respect with which their service users and staff are treated.
Inspiration Award
An organisation or business (not a health or care agency) that inspired others during the Covid-19 pandemic with its high standards of care and compassion, such as a hairdresser, shop or library, that goes out of its way to assist individuals who need extra support in their daily life.
Josie’s Award
Josie Smith was a remarkable force for good in the lives of people around her, and especially in the lives of people who needed care and support; an unstoppable influence for the better! We want to celebrate an individual of any kind who in some way is making an exceptional difference to dignity in care.