Support Services
There are lots of great resources available for carer’s and care providers in Oxfordshire.
There are a range of organisations and charities that are here to support care workers. Please click through the links below to find out more about each organisation and how they can support you.
If you would like information or would like to speak to someone then please get in touch [email protected]
Community Catalysts is a social enterprise that can help you to set up offering support or activities in the Vale of White Horse for older or disabled people, including people with learning disabilities.
You might want to set up a support group, social club or activity like an inclusive yoga class, painting sessions, DIY support, cookery, gardening, archery, arts and crafts, photography, language classes… you name it, you can do it! If you have an idea for a community activity or support that you’d like to run and you want it to be inclusive to all people, regardless of age or disability – we can help you! You may even run a community activity already that you’d like to expand. You might want to charge for the activity or you might want to do it on a voluntary basis. It doesn’t matter to us.
Our support is free to you – funded by Oxfordshire County Council.
OACP is a membership organisation for all providers of adult social care in Oxfordshire
We are a contact point for all social care providers and share and promote good practice through our networks and learning exchanges.
We provide information and advice on funding and business opportunities.
We provide training and development opportunities for your staff and your business.
We act as a representative body for providers within Oxfordshire, meeting with commissioners of services, and standing up for adult social care to promote your services.
We are improving communication between the Council and the Oxfordshire care sector.
We help develop the adult social care market in Oxfordshire and contribute to the commissioning and delivery of personalised services.
We offer existing providers advice about business opportunities and market conditions in Oxfordshire.
We will promote good news stories across a range of media channels to support a positive view of the sector.
Skills for Care is the strategic workforce development and planning body for adult social care in England
We work with employers, Government and partners to ensure social care has the right people, skills and support required to deliver the highest quality care and support now and in the future.
The Care Workers’ Charity supports current and former care workers with one-off crisis grants
We support the almost 2 million care workers in the UK, contributing to one of the largest workforces. They care for some of the most vulnerable people in our society with little recognition and often no reward.
Care workers face challenges every day such as loss of income, inconsistent hours, consequences of low recruitment and retention and lack adequate resources to help care workers do their job to the best of their ability.
Carers UK makes life better for carers by giving expert advice, information and support
Caring can be extremely complicated. The maze of rights and entitlements can be complicated. Filling in paperwork can be complicated. Getting a break can be complicated. Our feelings about caring can certainly be complicated.
We’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.
Our expert telephone advice and support service is here if you want to talk about caring. If you’re looking for answers, our online information and support is the best place to start.
The National Careers Service can help you with your career, learning and training choices
Choose from over 800 career profiles to discover what a job involves
Care England is a representative body for independent providers of adult social care in England
Working on behalf of small, medium and large providers, Care England speaks with a single unified voice for both members and the whole care sector. Our membership includes organisations of varying types and sizes, amongst them single care homes, small local groups, national providers and not-for-profit voluntary organisations and associations. Between them they provide a variety of services for older people and those with long term conditions, learning disabilities or mental health problems.
Care England is committed to supporting a united, quality conscious, independent sector that offers real choice and value for money. Our aim is to create an environment in which care providers can continue to deliver and develop the high quality care that communities require and deserve.